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Foam-o Talks: Some In-Sisal Information

sisal bags for soap
We've got some inside (or in-sisal) information on some sisal bags for you guys...

Soap is a necessity – well, if you want your friends to keep speaking to you anyway. The main question is how to store and use it well, you may be asking how *I* do it (or maybe not, I am only a young soap oracle). My most successful way of making sure my Foam-O soap lasts longer and looks good too, is by using a sisal bag. I wasn’t really sure what one was a few months ago, as back then I was still using liquid soap with all its not ideal plastic packaging and nasty chemicals – but my very small, but very environmentally focussed brain has done some serious research, both reading and experimenting. I love my sisal, at the moment it has my I Wash My Hands With You soap in, so has got one seriously psychedelic green tinge, but I’ve also used my Happily Heather After heather soap, and my Life’s a Beach one too. All worked, and all lasted for ages! They do tend to go a bit gooey because of the heat and water in the shower, but in the bag that goo is kept quite safe.

The bags themselves last for as long as you would like, dependant on how nice you are to them, mine looks as good as when I first put soap in, at least 4 moons ago! I’ve also been handing out some to friends and Foam-O All Stars (you know who you are) to see how they were – and all I’ve had is glowing reports, and similar goo experiences! Although, I do remember buying goo from Lush on purpose a while back, so perhaps bar to goo experiences aren’t too novel after all. I’m hoping to be able to sell them soon at markets as I have a stock building up, and fingers crossed, on the website too. So keep your eyes peeled for that!

If you’re a crafty person who loves soaps and crochet, there is always the opportunity to try and make your own sisal bag (or bags, how many bathrooms do you have??), my sister’s boss does this, and then I suppose you can 100% be saving the planet by using British wool from a local wool shop and pairing it with British soap like any Foam-O stock! I’m rubbish at knitting and crochet, but I can certainly help you out on the soap side of things.sisal bag for showers

Here's a photo of one of the sisal bags we stock, made to look amazing by our photographer, although once it's damp it does look a bit more sad - but colourful, so colourful!!


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